Healthcare News
8 Signs Of Mallet Finger
A mallet finger, sometimes called “baseball finger” because it can be common in baseball players, is a deformity of the finger typically caused by injury. You may have a mallet finger if you’ve recently jammed, cut, or broken your fingertip.
How Often Should You Work Out?
Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. But you might be wondering how much you should work out in a given week to get the most benefits.
8 IT Band Stretches and Exercises to Help Relieve Outer Knee Pain
There’s nothing fun about that stabbing pain outside your knee caused by iliotibial band syndrome. The good news though? Doing IT band stretches and strengthening exercises can provide much-needed relief.
What to know about shoulder arthritis
Shoulder arthritis refers to damage to the cartilage in the shoulder joint. It usually results from wear and tear on cartilage due to aging or injury, such as a fracture.
Stretches and exercises to relieve SI joint pain
The sacroiliac (SI) joint connects the spine to the pelvis. People who have injured this joint may experience pain in the lower back, buttocks, and down the back of the thigh. Simple stretches and exercises may ease the pain and help people move around more comfortably.